How to fix your BBQ sauce

Ever find yourself about ready to crack open your barbecue grill or smoker and realize that your BBQ sauce isn’t what you need it to be? You could always run to the store to buy something off the shelf. But, what if there’s no time? Or, what if the sauce...

How to fix BBQ sauce that’s too salty

If your barbecue sauce is too salty, whether it’s homemade or comes from a bottle, there are two different methods you can try to make it taste less salty. The first thing to try is to add a little sweet along with a little acid. You might try brown sugar and...

How to fix BBQ sauce that’s too sweet

Whether your barbecue sauce is homemade or from a store, it it’s too sweet for your taste, there are two methods you can try to make it less sweet. Try the first method first. If that doesn’t do the trick, then try the second. While you might be tempted to...

How to fix a BBQ sauce that’s too spicy

If your barbecue sauce is too spicy, whether it’s a homemade sauce or one from a bottle, you can do a few things to lower its heat. There are basically two methods to try. Start with the first one, and if that doesn’t work, then try the second method. Add...